On Friday, the swearing-in ceremony for 160 recruits, including one woman, from Jäger Battalion 33 took place in front of the castle in the market town of Rohrau. Colonel Rupert Hütter, commander of Jäger Battalion 33, was delighted to welcome Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner to the swearing-in ceremony for the young soldiers.

“By taking the oath, our conscripts assume responsibility for themselves and the armed forces and are the basis of our army.”

Verteidigungsministerin Klaudia Tanner

“It was a very special pleasure for me to be able to attend this dignified swearing-in ceremony at this historic location. By taking the oath, our conscripts assume responsibility for themselves and the Armed Forces and are the basis of our army. Making basic military service and the militia more attractive is therefore not only part of our government program, but is essential for a modern and sustainable armed forces. For the Armed Forces, the protection of the Austrian state has priority, as does the protection of its population, the protection of our neutrality and, above all, the protection of all of us. And the Austrian Armed Forces are our guarantee of security. I wish the young soldier who has been sworn in all the best for the future, an exciting period of service and much soldierly happiness,” said Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner.

Thyssenkrupp wartet weitere fünf Jahre F125-Fregatten

The 160 recruits took their oath of allegiance in front of Rohrau Castle. Against the impressive backdrop of the late baroque castle in the birthplace of Joseph Haydn and in the presence of their families, the ceremony was an unforgettable experience for the young soldiers. They have successfully completed their basic training in recent weeks and are now ready to serve Austria and its people in a wide variety of roles.

The swearing-in ceremony was accompanied by the Lower Austrian Military Music, which played a concert before the ceremony and concluded the swearing-in ceremony with the “Great Austrian Tattoo”.

Here for further army news.