Diehl Defense signed a contract with the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support on January 25. Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) as part of the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) for the procurement of the Iris-T SLM medium-range air defense system. Annette Lehnigk-Emden, President of the BAAINBw, agreed the procurement of the ground-based air defense system for the European NATO partner country with Helmut Rauch, CEO of Diehl Defence, on behalf of and with a power of attorney from the Republic of Slovenia.

The order comprises a fire unit consisting of the radar, command post and four launchers, as well as Iris-T SL missiles and logistical support. ESSI is a project to develop and strengthen European integrated ground-based air defense, which was initiated by Germany in August 2022 and in which Austria also intends to participate. in which Austria also intends to participate. The aims of ESSI are to improve the interoperability of nations with NATO and to create synergies through joint procurement. In the meantime, 19 European countries have declared their intention to join the project, including Austria and Switzerland in addition to 17 NATO countries. Other nations have also expressed their interest. After Germany (-> report), Estonia (-> report) and Latvia (-> report), Slovenia is the fourth ESSI nation to sign a contract with Diehl Defence for Iris-T SLM systems. In the case of Slovenia, a standardized contract for ESSI procurements was used for the first time. This will enable major synergy effects and a faster procurement process in the future, from which both other ESSI customers and the industry will benefit. In order to enable the ESSI nations to be supplied evenly with Iris-T SLM, Diehl Defence has distributed production slots among the interested nations in such a way that the system can also be delivered to Slovenia in a timely manner. https://militaeraktuell.at/leonardo-status-quo-bei-oesterreichs-aw169/ With this procurement, Slovenia is strengthening its country’s air defense and for the first time has medium-range capabilities. The procurement of further systems is being planned. Within the Diehl Defence product portfolio, the Iris-T SLM system is designed to defend against threats from enemy aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and drones at a range of up to 40 kilometers and an altitude of 20 kilometers. An Iris-T SLM fire unit consists of the launcher, radar and command post components. It is supplemented by support elements such as workshop, spare parts and reloading vehicles. The system is characterized by its high tactical mobility, deployability of the launchers and multiple target engagement with low manpower requirements. The Iris-T SLM air defense system impresses with its outstanding performance in operational use in Ukraine. According to customer statements, the system has a very high hit rate, even in attack waves with more than twelve targets.

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