The well-known Italian photographer Oscar Bernardi, who specializes in helicopters, saw the first near-series Leonardo AW169 LUH (Light Utility Helicopter) – as it is also the basis of an Austrian-Italian letter of intent – in front of his Nikon during initial flight tests near the Verigate plant shortly before the turn of the year. Leonardo has also published an updated brochure. The AW169 LUH is based on the AW169 M, the military variant of the AW169 light twin-engine design, which is in principle designed for numerous different tasks, such as border surveillance, transportation of or reconnaissance for special operations, sea and coastal patrols, advanced training, search and rescue services or firefighting. The main visual differences compared to previous images and the AW169 model on display in Zeltweg in 2019 are the skid frame and an extended hull nose for additional equipment. Also striking are the so-called “coanda strakes” along the upper edge of the rear fuselage and the double-cranked end plates on the horizontal stabilizer, both in connection with the flow around the tail rotor and turbulence caused by the skid frame.

@Oscar Bernardi
The first “169” in the new configuration, which was assigned the serial number 72001 or the experimental serial number CSX 82014.
It is known that the new helicopter is intended to replace the ageing combat support helicopters (Elicotteri da Supporto al Combattimento, ESC) that are currently still in service with the Italian Army Air Forces, such as the early A-109, AB-205, AB-206, AB -212 and AB-412, thus closing the gap that has opened up due to the ageing of these types. In addition, logistics are to be optimized with a fleet of just one platform instead of five. After all, parts of this old fleet were already put into service between the 1970s and 1990s. The first AW169 LUH is to be delivered this year, together with a second helicopter, initially to the Guardia di Finanza (customs police). The Army Air Corps could then receive the first new M helicopter in 2022 (two retraining helicopters, designated UH-169B, have already been handed over), while the helicopters ordered by the Carabinieri (military police) are to be delivered starting the following year.
A new Leonardo brochure illustrates the AW169’s numerous equipment packages and options.
The more advanced multi-purpose configuration of the AW169 LUH, which is currently being developed as the AW169 MA, will probably be similar in appearance – apart from the skids instead of the wheels – to that for the Guardia di Finanza. This MA version should actually be discussed in future with regard to the premise of a “joint procurement” with the Italian Segredifesa (the procurement directorate of the MoD in Rome), as only this version is likely to cover the staggered projected capability dates for the flight and mission equipment envisaged by the BMLV, including a night vision goggle-compatible glass cockpit and advanced C4 systems, rescue winch with rapid abseiling equipment, electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) gimbal, self-defense systems, searchlights, loudspeakers, cargo hooks and, of course, internal (doorguns) and external weapon stations. In any case, the Italian Army Air Forces have already scheduled all of this. Since April 2020, the army program has provided for a total of 22 helicopters in both the B-training and advanced MA versions of the LUH, as presented to the Italian parliament. The preliminary report published by the Direzoine ARMAEREO (Armamenti Aeronautici e per l’Aeronavigabilità) only mentions 15 helicopters in the advanced MA multi-role configuration with a so-called alternate gross weight of 5,100 kilograms (instead of 4,800 kilograms for the basic version). According to some sources, the five helicopters not mentioned in the ARMAEREO report for the army will go to the Carabinieri. The program – which is exempt from a 22 percent tax – will be carried out over a nine-year repayment period until 2028. The up to 100 AW169s for Italy that are sometimes reported in the domestic media are realistic in the long term in view of the types to be replaced, but will probably require several more packages.

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