On Saturday, 78 career and 43 militia officers, including ten women, were ceremoniously commissioned into the troops at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt. The Lieutenants’ Day took place in the presence of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner. Following the ceremony, a large parade was once again held for the first time in honor of the new officers on Grazer Straße in front of the castle. Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner: “I congratulate you on your achievements over the past three years at the military academy. You have chosen a great, but also a responsible profession. You should use all your strength for the security of the Republic of Austria; the conditions for this have been created in these three years. I wish you all the very best.”

@Federal Army/Karlovits
Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and Federal President Alexander van der Bellen in the circle of the new lieutenants.
The new officers were trained as lieutenants over a total of four years. The professional officers also receive training at university level with the “Military Leadership” bachelor’s degree course at the University of Applied Sciences. Semesters and internships abroad not only allow them to expand their professional skills, but also promote intercultural competence. A quality that is of great importance with regard to multinational deployments abroad. The militia officers completed the first twelve months of their training as active soldiers in the Austrian Armed Forces (-> here you can find the latest army news). They learned the basics for their chosen career together with the career officers. They then returned to their professional lives and completed their training as lieutenants in militia exercises within three additional years. As part of a collaboration with the army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, four soldiers from Bosnia and Herzegovina also completed their officer training at the Theresian Military Academy this year. These four young officers from Bosnia and Herzegovina are delighted to be able to attend as guests of their Austrian comrades. A parade was held again this year in honor of the new officers. Around 1,000 soldiers paraded with 60 wheeled vehicles, 90 armored vehicles and around 20 aircraft on or above Grazer Straße in front of the castle. In addition, a supporting program offered the armed forces to touch and experience. Military equipment such as the Ulan infantry fighting vehiclethe Leopard 2 main battle tank, the Pandur armored personnel carrier and the BvS10 Hägglunds all-terrain vehicle could be seen up close. Soldiers also gave a first-hand insight into their everyday life and training and were available to answer questions about a career in the armed forces.