More and more developers and armies are looking into unmanned ground vehicles (-> Russia is working on ground drones again). The Slovakian company Unmanned Solutions from Nové Mesto nad Váhom, 120 kilometers northeast of Vienna, has now presented the UGV S-1 BUG – Battle Utility Ground System – together with partner companies.

©Military News

The technology demonstrator is designed as a universal, robotic, semi-autonomous support platform for combat units at the lowest tactical level with an open system architecture. The main tasks are logistical support through the transportation of equipment, combat equipment, CQB crushing tools, ladders, explosives, transport of support weapons, spare ammunition and supplies. Equipped with a 360-degree day/night HD camera with 20x zoom and digital stabilization, it enables unmanned, ground-based reconnaissance in the area of operations in cooperation with infantry, sappers or mechanized units. By using a stretcher or spinal board, injured persons can be evacuated from a combat zone.


The UGV has an all-electric drive that offers a low noise signature and minimal IR signature. It can be operated remotely and one-handed by an operator. An endurance of two to three hours at speeds of 10 km/h is achieved. The UGV weighs 170 kilograms, carries a payload of up to 200 kilograms and complies with protection class IP 54 against dirt and splash water. The focus is on a low purchase price, simple repairs and servicing over the entire service life and the use of COTS technology (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf).