A total of 146 recruits lined up at the Schwarzenberg barracks in Salzburg today to take their oath of allegiance to the Republic of Austria.
In accordance with the measures currently ordered by the federal government, the swearing-in ceremony took place in a small setting and in camera. The soldiers will perform their service in various functions with Jäger Battalion 8 and the Salzburg Military Command. The Salzburg military commander, Brigadier Anton Waldner, paid special tribute to the recruits for their willingness to serve in the armed forces and thus make a valuable contribution to public safety. “The rest of your service will be a challenging but also instructive time. What you make of it depends to a large extent on you. Be well aware: without you, the Armed Forces simply cannot carry out its diverse missions,” says Waldner. “Pledging means taking an oath, making a promise, and binds those who take this oath. It obliges us soldiers to be loyal and obedient and to serve and protect our people! You, the recruits of Jäger Battalion 8 and the Salzburg Military Command, have learned the basic military knowledge – mainly the safe handling of weapons – and will then be released into your functions,” said Colonel Haselwanter in his speech.
The religious part was introduced by a chorale and the blessing was performed by military priests Richard Weyringer and Oliver Gross. With the words “I pledge”, the soldiers took their oath to the Republic of Austria, thereby affirming their service in the Austrian Armed Forces. After the climax of the swearing-in ceremony, the ceremony was officially concluded by an ensemble of the Salzburg Military Music with the Salzburg national anthem.