A few days ago, the Chief of the General Staff, General Rudolf Striedinger, informed all commanders of the Austrian Armed Forces about the current status of the development plan “Bundesheer 2032+”. The military strategic goal was defined as ensuring that the Austrian Armed Forces in 2032 and beyond should be able to defend Austria against any military attack and protect its people, i.e. be capable of defending itself.

@Federal Army
A graphic on the development plan of the Austrian Armed Forces.

In addition to a briefing on current and planned procurements, the current situation in Europe and neighboring regions was presented. Security policy developments have confirmed the orientation of the Austrian Armed Forces towards military national defense at home with the armed forces profile “Our Army”. The armed forces profile represents a shift towards the military protection of Austria’s sovereignty with a focus on its own national territory. Solidarity contributions in the form of multinational missions to stabilize conflicting developments with an impact on Austria and the EU remain in place.

@Federal Army
The commanders follow the presentation on the current status of the “Armed Forces 2032+” development plan.

“Aufbauplan ÖBH2032+
The necessary realignment of the Austrian Armed Forces has triggered extensive strategic military planning, which has now led to the first important results in the form of the “Aufbauplan ÖBH2032+” and the “Zielbild ÖBH2032”.

    • Structure: The small units (battalion, regiment) and units (brigades) are strengthened. This means that missing equipment is supplemented and new equipment and additional equipment is procured at the same time.
    • Locations: All locations of the small associations and federations will remain in place and their infrastructure will be improved, modernized and adapted for their tasks.
    • Weapon types: Each small unit retains its type of weapon; the tasks/capabilities are adapted through modernization and new equipment. Exception: JgB8 becomes FlAB; JgB ST becomes KdoB to support and secure the Operational Headquarters (FHQ).
    • Militia: The independently structured units and battalions are assigned to the brigades. The independently structured units are integrated into the independently structured battalions. The tasks/capabilities of these battalions then take on the character of the brigades to which they are assigned.
    • Period: Involvement of the troops in the processing with immediate effect; the processing is ongoing, but the date for reclassifications is still open and depends on several factors.
    • Personnel: Parallel to the optimization of structures, procurement and improvement of infrastructure, ongoing personnel campaigns are to be intensified and new ones launched.

https://militaeraktuell.at/frankreich-bestellt-bei-saab-barracuda-tarnnetze/ Das Zielbild „Österreichisches Bundesheer 2032” stellt das vorläufige Ergebnis der Streitkräfteplanung dar und beschreibt in der notwendigen Detaillierung, welche Fähigkeiten das Österreichische Bundesheer bis 2032 erhalten, ausbauen und vor allem aufbauen muss, um die militärstrategische Zielsetzung, verteidigungsfähig zu sein, zu erfüllen. In den nächsten Monaten stehen weitere Detailplanungen an, um die Umsetzung des Aufbauplans voranzutreiben. Dazu wird die Truppe ab sofort eingebunden und es erfolgt schrittweise eine Informationskampagne zu „Österreichisches Bundesheer 2032+” mit weiteren Details.

Here for further army news.