In order to maintain their skills as first aiders, a total of 65 professional soldiers and employees of the Vorarlberg military command recently took part in a one-day first aid training course. Everyone from military commanders to civilian staff and military musicians took part.
There were five stations to complete during the training, each preceded by a short theoretical part. This was followed by practical work on the injured person in order to keep up to date with the latest training. After all, having to act as a first aider can happen to anyone.
In this training section, the correct application of various bandages to different parts of the body and the splinting and immobilization of extremities were demonstrated and then practiced. Stopping critical bleeding with a pressure bandage was also part of this topic. It was also taught in which situation, for example, the helmet of a motorcyclist involved in an accident must be removed and the corresponding technique demonstrated. The correct positioning for various injuries was also a topic in this training section. A vital topic is the resuscitation of people who are not breathing or have no detectable heartbeat. The current resuscitation rhythm is two breaths and thirty chest compressions. The correct use of a defibrillator was also practiced, as these devices are available in every barracks. How do you get a person who may be bigger and heavier than you out of a vehicle involved in an accident? The necessary grips and techniques were demonstrated by the medical sergeant and then practiced by the participants. Providing first aid correctly in a team in the event of a major traffic accident was the supreme task during the training. From raising the alarm and starting the rescue chain to cordoning off the accident site and administering first aid itself, everything was covered.