The Bundeswehr has commissioned Rheinmetall to modernize command and control equipment for soldier systems. Command and control equipment amounting to 14 “Infantryman of the Future – Expanded System” (IdZ-ES) platoon systems are to be delivered to the troops.
These include equipment for 476 individual soldiers. The order, worth a mid-double-digit million euro amount, was booked in December 2022, shortly after the German Bundestag’s Budget Committee released the funds from the special fund. The “IdZ-ES” soldier system in the VJTF 2023 design status networks the soldier with the Puma infantry fighting vehicle as the mother ship. For the troops, the “Panzergrenadier system” is a piece of digitalization of the “first mile”. It offers two key advantages: Firstly, all mounted and dismounted forces have the ability to access the same information. Secondly, this information can be shared much more precisely, quickly and robustly. The close networking of sensors and effectors of both the soldiers and the infantry fighting vehicles minimizes the time between reconnaissance and action. This fusion into an overall system enables effective tactical interaction between the soldiers and their infantry fighting vehicles and increases the operational value of the armored infantry force.
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