The Swedish procurement agency FMV has signed a contract with BAE Systems for the delivery of 127 new BvS10 Hägglunds all-terrain vehicles worth around 167 million euros. The Swedish army is thus significantly expanding its existing BvS10 fleet.
In addition to command and control, the contract also includes logistics variants, with delivery of the 127 vehicles scheduled to begin in 2022 and be completed in 2024.
“The Swedish Armed Forces will thus receive more of these extremely mobile, powerful and robust vehicles, which – together with their unarmored Beowulf variants – will also allow them further deployment options internationally,” says Tommy Gustafsson-Rask, Managing Director of BAE Systems Hägglunds. “We also see the order as proof of the many years of good cooperation between BAE Systems and the Swedish Armed Forces.”
The Swedish BvS10s come with improved ergonomics for the crew, a larger interior volume and enhanced protection functions and are based on the old Bv206 vehicles from BAE Systems, of which more than 10,000 have been sold in more than 40 countries.
“We are seeing increased interest in sophisticated mobility capabilities in many countries, such as those made possible by our BvS10 and Beowulf platforms. We are particularly looking forward to the joint all-terrain procurement of four nations, involving Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom,” added Gustafsson-Rask. In addition to the countries mentioned, Austria also operates a fleet of 32 vehicles of this type.
Here for further news from Hägglunds manufacturer BAE Systems.