On Thursday, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and Vienna’s Deputy Mayor Kathrin Gaál presented the first “Bundesheer-Bim”. On the occasion of the personnel offensive of the Armed Forces the branded streetcars of Wiener Linien will be on the road in Vienna until mid-August. They will be running on the lines from the Floridsdorf depot, including lines 2 (Friedrich-Engels-Platz – Dornbach), 25 (Aspern – Floridsdorf), 26 (Hausfeldstraße – Strebersdorf) and 31 (Schottenring – Stammersdorf).

“In terms of our ‘Mission Forward’, we have already made some progress, from the National Defense Financing Act, the “Reconstruction Plan 2032+” or the procurement of new equipment (-> The armed forces pick up speed). Now it is time to fill our mission with life. That is why we are using the opportunity of a public advertising space to advertise the armed forces and make the Austrian Armed Forces employer brand even more visible to the public. I would like to thank the cities of Vienna, Linz, Innsbruck and Graz as well as the public transportation services for this opportunity and the good cooperation,” said Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner.

“We are using the opportunity of a public advertising space to promote the armed forces and make the employer brand ‘Austrian Armed Forces’ even more visible to the public.”

Verteidigungsministerin Klaudia Tanner

“The high quality of life in Vienna is always associated with a feeling of security. Be it social security, security in your personal environment or security in the event of a crisis. And the Austrian Armed Forces are one of the absolute pillars of this,” says Vienna’s Deputy Mayor Kathrin Gaál. “The City of Vienna will always be an ally of the Austrian Armed Forces. Because the Austrian Armed Forces are there when they are needed in a crisis. We would like to thank them for that. This ‘Bundesheer-Bim’ is also intended to draw attention to this and at the same time inspire young people to take on this important and responsible task.”

“The City of Vienna will always be an ally of the Austrian Armed Forces. Because the Austrian Armed Forces are there when they are needed in a crisis.”

Wiens Vizebürgermeisterin Kathrin Gall

In the spirit of 360-degree communication, streetcars with Austrian Armed Forces personnel advertisements will be on public transport in Vienna, Linz, Innsbruck and Graz over the next three months. The Ministry of Defense is using the public and “moving” advertising space to express the variety of opportunities in the Austrian Armed Forces.

Due to its immense reach (public transport has an average annual growth rate of around 1.8 percent), this form of advertising reaches the young target group and their social environment in particular.

Here for further army news.