The recently acquired Husar protected multi-purpose vehicle is characterized by good protection for the crew combined with high mobility and air transport capability.
Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and many other countries already operate entire fleets of Light Multirole Vehicles (LMV). In order to fill the gap between unprotected vehicles such as the Pinzgauer and the larger Dingo 2 armored all-protection transport vehicles, the Austrian Armed Forces have now also purchased a total of 150 protected multi-role vehicles from Iveco at a total price of 108 million euros. The vehicle is known as the Husar and is thus reminiscent of the lightly armored, highly mobile mounted troops of the same name, which once carried out reconnaissance tasks as well as acting as special units for the field police. The range of applications of the new systems is similarly diverse, as they are used for transport and patrol purposes as well as command and reconnaissance vehicles.
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