The staff company of the Vorarlberg military command also trained military musicians as “scouts” in the fall. The scout training lasted one week and was held in the training hall and in the barracks courtyard in Bregenz.
The most important tasks of an NBC detection team are the detection of nuclear or chemical substances, the identification and demarcation of contaminated areas and the taking of samples.
As part of the training, the soldiers learned how to put on their personal protective equipment, the NBC protective suit 90 with ventilation device, correctly. They were then instructed on how to use the detection equipment – the “Atomic Radiation Detector 90” for nuclear substances and the “Enhanced Chemical Agent Monitor” for chemical substances. In the training room, the military musicians were taught about radiation protection and how to use the terms “dose” and “dose rate” (amount of radiation and amount of radiation per unit of time) correctly. If bacteriological substances are suspected, a tracker must be able to take a sample correctly so that the result can be defined and assigned to a room in the laboratory. Sampling from the ground, from vegetation and from liquids was practiced. After the mission, the trackers then had to decontaminate themselves: Decontamination, decontamination and decontamination. For the military musicians, it was an interesting and challenging task outside of their music training.