Jet tests over the Alps: Switzerland plans to procure 30 to 40 new fighter aircraft and ground-based air defense systems for up to 8 billion euros in the coming years and is now putting the types in question – Eurofighter, Gripen E, F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet, F-35A, Rafale B – through their paces.

From 2025, the new jets are to replace both the remaining 26 F-5E/F Tigers and the then ageing American F-18 fighters. No type decision has yet been made, but extensive test runs are now set to become an important decision-making aid. As announced by the Swiss Ministry of Defense, Swiss Air Force pilots will be testing all five types in question (Eurofighter, Gripen E, F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet, F-35A, Rafale B) for their practical suitability in the coming weeks. The tests cost a total of almost ten million euros, which has led to much criticism from the public and other politicians.

@Georg MaderFor military aviation expert and Militär Aktuell author Georg Mader, the tests are nevertheless a good idea, as he explains in an interview with SRF: “Indeed, it sounds complicated and is expensive. We certainly know more about fighter jets today than we did when the last evaluation was carried out a few years ago – when the Gripen model in question only existed on paper, for example. Nevertheless, the data currently available on the jets cannot be applied 1:1 to Switzerland. The Swiss alert take-off conditions, flight restriction areas and mountains all play a role. It therefore makes perfect sense to test the aircraft in your own environment.” To ensure that the results of the tests can also form the basis for objective procurement, complete transparency must be created, Mader continues: “Information must be provided not only on the results of the technical evaluation, but also on the prices. Those responsible must not allow themselves to be harnessed to the media in the entire process simply to shorten the procedure.”

You can read the full interview here and listen to it. Here you can also find further reports on the F-35 manufacturer Lockheed-Martin, here to further reports on Super Hornet manufacturer Boeing, here to reports on Rafale manufacturer Dassault Aviation and here for more news about Eurofighter manufacturer Airbus Defense and Space.