This week the Vienna Military Command awarded the “Pro Defensione” honorary prize to Hypo Niederösterreich board member Brigadier Udo Birkner. The militia officer talks about comradeship, the current security situation in Europe and the importance of comprehensive national defense for Austria’s security.
Mr. Brigadier, first of all, congratulations on receiving the “Pro Defensione” award from the Vienna Military Command. At the beginning of the event, pictures of the award winners from previous years were shown. Knowing that you will soon be one of them, what went through your mind?
I have been thinking about whether I really belong there. I’m not a politician, I’m not the mayor of Vienna, I’m not a member of the National Council, I’m not the head of a district in Vienna, I’m a member of the Hypo NOE Management Board. And, of course, an officer in the Austrian Armed Forces. The previous recipients of the “Pro Defensione” award aroused great approval and respect in me (Helmut Zilk, Herbert Krejci, Michael Häupl and Michael Ludwig), joy (Fritz Muliar, Toni Fager, Alfons Haider), comradeship (Reinhold Sahl, Hermann Heller, Erwin Hameseder, Marcus Schober) and old-Scottish solidarity (Richard Schmitz). In my opinion, the honorees are united by their commitment to the Republic of Austria and the defense of our homeland – this has always been a major concern of mine since 1983. I am of course very honored to have been chosen by a commission of the Vienna Military Command as the winner of this award and I can promise that I will continue to be relentless in my task in the future.
In her laudatory speech, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner mentioned that times were not always as positive for national defense as they are now. For decades, the armed forces had to live through very difficult times, even to the point of shortages. What has nevertheless motivated you to remain loyal to the army – alongside your certainly also very demanding work in the private sector?
Certainly the comradeship that is practiced every day within the Austrian Armed Forces between professional and militia officers and between soldiers in general. We can rely on each other. I would like to mention the Vienna Officers’ Association, for which I have the privilege of serving as President, as an example. We have 1,250 members, the board alone has 21 people, including a large number of militia officers, but also three general staff officers – and the cooperation is very good and extremely effective. In addition, as a lawyer, I have a particular interest in ensuring that our constitutional institutions are protected. The Armed Forces defend the Republic, preserve the territorial integrity and therefore also the borders of our country. Being able to play a part in this is both a very rewarding and a very motivating task.
How do you view the current security situation in Europe? Developments in recent years have put wind in the sails of national defense, but this has also increased the threat situation for Austria.
Unfortunately, we have now seen for two years that the great post-war promise of “never again war in Europe” has not been kept. We are experiencing a paradigm shift – for the Austrian Armed Forces, for the Republic of Austria, for the entire Western world. We must all take the current situation very seriously and we should make every effort to make the Austrian Armed Forces truly capable of defense. Our goal must be to actually achieve the military strategic goal “2032+”, which was published last week: “The Austrian Armed Forces 2032+ are capable of defending Austria against any military attack and protecting its people. The Austrian Armed Forces are capable of defense.” The Republic of Austria and the Austrian people must subordinate many things to this goal. Their own defense is the highest civic duty and right at the same time.
National defense is seen by the public primarily as the task of the military. However, many other areas also play a role in the context of comprehensive national defense. What still needs to be done in this respect? Are the economy and society aware of the situation?
National defense is a very important task of our sovereign, the Austrian people – roughly equivalent to maintaining order and security at home. With six military partnerships and two cooperation agreements, we at Hypo NOE represent very sustainable cooperation with military partners, but also with civilian partners such as the Austrian Red Cross and the Lower Austrian Civil Defense Association. We try to act as a link here. I also contribute the topics of “Comprehensive National Defense” and “Spiritual National Defense” as part of my work in the Federal Banking and Insurance Party of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber – a very important and far-reaching task.
And do the topics fall on fertile ground there?
Absolutely. Increasingly so. Companies and also broad sections of the Austrian population are becoming increasingly aware of the issue, which is of course mainly due to the war situation not far from Austria, which has already been mentioned. At the end of the day, this situation leads to only one conclusion: we must strengthen “comprehensive national defense” and fill it with life – at all levels. For the good of the Republic and for the protection of the people in our country. Austria is a beautiful country!
Here for more army news and here to the other articles in our “5 questions to” series.