A few days ago, the Belgian government approved the implementation of a strategic partnership between the Belgian Ministry of Defense and FN Herstal. The partnership is part of the DIRS (Defense, Industry and Research Strategy) and is intended to contribute to the objectives of strategic autonomy and security of supply of the European Union and NATO.

This partnership is primarily intended to secure the supply of small-caliber ammunition. However, FN Herstal also ensures that the Belgian army’s stock of small arms is kept ready for use for 20 years. Other European countries are also able to cover their long-term ammunition requirements from the manufacturer within the multinational framework of the contract. The necessary investments in the two municipalities of Zutendaal and Herstal have already begun. This should lead to a significant increase in ammunition production, the reintroduction of 5.56 and 7.62 caliber ammunition and the creation of more than 60 jobs at both sites. https://militaeraktuell.at/dann-sind-wir-in-europa-ganz-vorne-dabei/ Julien Compère, CEO of FN Herstal, said: “I am particularly pleased that our company will make a long-term industrial contribution to the defense strategy of Belgium, Europe, NATO and its allies. Our partnership agreement paves the way for major investments, including the establishment of new ammunition production capacities at our industrial sites in Zutendaal and Herstal. We will be able to expand this capacity to meet the needs of other countries. This partnership illustrates the quality of our relationship with our European and NATO customers and partners, especially with the Belgian defense.” The partnership relates exclusively to the small arms stocks of the armed forces, i.e. FN Herstal’s product groups (ammunition, portable weapons, integrated weapon systems), and includes the supply, management, maintenance and digitization of weapons, the supply of ammunition and aspects of advanced research and development.