Although the armed forces are not a fire department, they still perform fire protection tasks with the new NBC defense fire engines.
In the 1980s, the Austrian army purchased TLFA 4000 tank fire engines based on an ÖAF chassis. These were used at military training areas and ammunition depots, by airport fire departments and NBC defense units and performed their tasks reliably.
Three decades later, planning for the purchase of a new fire engine began in 2012. Rather than looking for a universal solution like the TLFA 4000, the focus was on a specialized vehicle, with the NBC defence unit’s ability to operate in contaminated areas in addition to firefighting and supporting other subunits of the NBC defence company. Based on the defined capabilities, a specification was drawn up and Rosenbauer was commissioned to build the vehicles. By December 2016, all ten LF-ABC vehicles had been completed and handed over to the Salzburg Army Logistics Center, from where two vehicles were sent to each of the NBC defence companies in Korneuburg, Mautern, Absam, Graz and Hörsching. In the following, we will look at some of the highlights and technical features of the new fire engines: Chassis
The chassis is a MAN 18 340 TGM 4×4 with fully automatic manual gearbox, permanent all-wheel drive and selectable differential locks.
In addition to hoses and water-carrying fittings, the LF-ABC was also equipped with a 30 m C fast attack line with hollow jet pipe, combination foam pipe, monitor, firefighting backpack, hydro shields, fognail set and low expansion foam generator for firefighting.
Measuring and warning equipment
Measuring and warning equipment includes an A-SMG 90 (radiation measuring device for atomic radiation), a measuring device (MSA ALTAIR 5X) with electrochemical sensors to determine the oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide concentrations and whether the lower explosion limit has been reached, and a thermal imaging camera.
The Rosenbauer N35 built-in pump has a maximum output of 3,500 l/min at an outlet pressure of 10 bar. The extinguishing water tank holds 4,000 liters. Thanks to the built-in pump’s automatic foam compound proportioning system (ND-FIXMIX), the foam compound can be proportioned at 1, 3 or 6 percent either from the built-in foam compound tank (200 liters) or from foam compound canisters/drums. Light mast
The Rosenbauer Flexilight light mast, with 8×43 watt LED lamps and an output of 8×2,200 lm, can be used as extended ambient lighting or to illuminate any point around the vehicle in focus position. Other equipment
The fire protection team has equipment for collecting and binding hazardous substances (drip pans, 3,000-liter collection tank, oil and chemical binding agents) and for sealing leaks (leak sealing pads and lances), sewers and manholes (Gulli-Ei and sewer covers). For rescuing people from heights and depths, protective equipment against falls, a fall arrest and climbing rope set, a pulley set for 150 meters, a stretcher as well as a two-section extension ladder and a four-section scaling ladder with a support frame are also carried.
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