Theresian Military Academy: The “Freiherr Lenk von Wolfsberg” class has been training in combat in built-up areas over the past few days
Tasks in cities and towns are very likely for soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces, both during operations at home and abroad. The Steinbach Urban Training Area (UTA) has been in existence at the Allentsteig military training area since 2011 (see video at the bottom) to prepare soldiers for the special features of operational command in built-up (urban) terrain. This covers an area of around 100,000 square meters and consists of the former village of Steinbach, which has been extended by various buildings.
Leadership training 3 also took the midshipmen of the “Freiherr Lenk von Wolfsberg” class to the UTA Steinbach. Both the defense and the attack were practiced alternately from 13 to 15 July. While one platoon had the task of holding Steinbach against enemy attacks, the other two platoons had the task of attacking and taking possession of the village. The integration of a duel simulation and exercise evaluation group enables the graphic representation of all practising parties on a map or aerial photograph in real time. For this purpose, all event data (position determination using the Global Positioning System (GPS), status of the exercise participant, weapon effect, etc.) is transmitted via radio data transmission to a computer of the deployed duel simulation and exercise evaluation group. The activities of the referee services can be stored in the same way as the medical supplies.
The use of (simulated) steep fire, NBC weapons and the blocking measures are fed into the computer by the evaluator of the duel simulation and exercise evaluation group in accordance with the instructions of the exercise management. The exercise participants immediately receive up-to-date information on the effects of weapons and ordnance (e.g. hits, damage to the vehicle, failure of subsystems or radiation) via the voice output of the helmet and body equipment or via the intercom systems of the combat vehicles.
All of this data is available on the screen of the duel simulation and exercise evaluation group practically in real time. This enables the drill instructor, in conjunction with the referee team deployed on site, to follow the progress of the drill without delay, as well as the detailed preparation and follow-up of the drill phases. All battle-relevant data such as force, space and time, the use of ammunition, the effect of the weapon on the target and the supply processes can be used.
For the midshipmen, the integration of real-time evaluation was not only an efficient debriefing exercise, but above all a chance to familiarize themselves with this training support tool. This knowledge should motivate the prospective officers to use real-time evaluation in future training projects. Regardless of whether the intention of taking possession of or defending Steinbach was achieved or not, everyone benefited from this exercise.
Practical leadership of subordinate soldiers, putting principles and principles taught in theory into practice and gaining experience are the ultimate goals of such an exercise – and the battle for Steinbach provided this.