A few days ago, with the support of the Austrian EUFOR company, a memorial unveiling ceremony took place at the memorial site in Camp Butmir, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony.
The company provided the overall commander and a guard of honor for this unveiling. The memorial is dedicated to all soldiers who lost their lives between 1992 and 1995 during the deployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event began with a report to the highest military officer present, Major General Reinhard Trischak. In the presence of the highest representatives of the deployed nations and the Bosnian army, the memorial was ceremoniously unveiled after a speech by the commander of the EUFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Three wreaths were then laid by the EUFOR commander, a senior officer of the Bosnian army and a political representative. After a minute’s silence and a tribute by the guard of honor, the event ended with a request for further orders.