The Medical Center West of the Austrian Armed Forces has been conducting an ordered weapons exercise at the Hochfilzen military training area since October 5 and will continue until October 14. Around 100 soldiers are involved in the exercise.

The aim and purpose of the exercise is to train the Army’s medical forces for future medical service tasks at home and abroad. This primarily involves possible deployments of the field ambulance. Its task is to provide medical care for a brigade (around 5,000 soldiers) during operations and humanitarian missions at home and abroad.

The approximately 100 soldiers practicing include 70 militia soldiers. In addition, five army vehicles including special vehicles are used. These include a Dingo 2 San armored all-terrain vehicle, a modern, fully equipped ÖBH ambulance and a modern, fully equipped ÖBH emergency ambulance. The Medical Center West is a military institution and is made up of the Austrian Armed Forces’ own Feldmarschall Conrad hospital in Innsbruck and the troop medical outpatient clinics at the Wattener Lizum, Hochfilzen and Saalfelden military training areas as well as the medical training company in the Schwarzenberg barracks in Salzburg. Today, the medical facilities of the Medical Center West are:

  • Specialized outpatient clinics, ward
  • Operating theater
  • Alpine and high-altitude medical outpatient clinic
  • Occupational health center (branch office)
  • Psychotraumatology and stress management
  • Pharmacy, laboratory, X-ray

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