MBDA has conducted a successful qualification firing for its new Medium Advanced Air Defense System (MAADS). This is a new generation medium-range missile defense system developed by MBDA that uses the CAMM-ER missile.

The Italian Air Force plans to use the MAADS system to replace its SPADA short-range air defense system (SHORAD) and also to acquire new medium-range capabilities. The test was an important milestone, as it was the first time that the detection center module (BMC4I Sirius with advanced software) was tested and qualified together with the CAMM-ER missile. During the test, a target drone was used to simulate an attack by an enemy aircraft on the missile launcher, confirming the defensive capabilities and performance of both the missile and the entire system in an integrated mode.

@MBDAMBDA is responsible for the development of the entire system, which consists of the Detection Center module – comprising MBDA’s Battle Management Command, Control, Communication, Computer & Intelligence (BMC4i) and Leonardo’s Kronos Land Radar – the launcher and MBDA’s CAMM-ER missile. During the test, the detection center became aware of the target drone in attack mode, identified and classified it, recognized the nature of the threat, then assessed the type of defence to be deployed and ordered the successful launch of CAMM-ER to neutralize the threat. The trial also verified the correct functioning of the two-way data link between CAMM-ER and MAADS. https://militaeraktuell.at/empl-geschaeftsfuerer-joe-empl-im-interview/ CAMM-ER is an extended-range missile of the new generation of anti-aircraft missiles of the CAMM family, developed by the United Kingdom and Italy, which will replace the Aspide system of the Italian Air Force and Army. In addition, CAMM-ER will also be integrated into the Albatros NG naval system to optimize the naval based air defense (NBAD) capabilities of fleets. CAMM-ER and CAMM are equipped with an advanced active seeker head and a “cold start” system (Soft Vertical Launch). CAMM-ER has a different aerodynamic profile and is equipped with a larger engine developed by Avio for longer ranges.

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