With effect from May 1, Giancarlo Mezzanatto will become the new Chief Executive Officer of Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH. Like his predecessor Carlo Mancusi, who sadly passed away tragically at the end of 2022, the manager comes from the Italian security and armaments group Leonardo.

Mezzanatto has held a number of management positions at Leonarde, most recently that of Senior Vice President European Military Programs. Prior to that, he was Chief Operating Officer Programs at Eurofighter GmbH from 2019 to 2021. His appointment follows Eurofighter GmbH’s three-year rotation policy for partner companies. Following the death of Carlo Mancusi, Wolfgang Gammel, Chief Operating Officer Programs (COOP) of Eurofighter, took over as CEO at the beginning of 2023. Andrea Thompson, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH, said: “We are delighted to welcome Giancarlo back to Eurofighter in his new role as Chief Executive Officer. He brings extensive experience and expertise from the Eurofighter program which will be of great value over the coming years.” Thompson continued: “Giancarlo’s appointment follows a difficult time for Eurofighter GmbH following the sad death of Carlo Mancusi. I would like to thank the Eurofighter management team for their efforts during this time and in particular Wolfgang Gammel who has taken on the role of CEO during this transition period.”

“We are delighted to welcome Giancarlo back to Eurofighter in his new role as Chief Executive Officer.

Andrea Thompson, Aufsichtsrats-Vorsitzende Eurofighter GmbH

The new Eurofighter CEO will work alongside Wolfgang Gammel, Chief Operating Officer Programs, Andy Eddleston, Chief Operating Officer Capabilities, Gabriel Semelas, Chief Commercial and Financial Officer, and Giammarco Quaglia, Director Business Support. “I am delighted to lead Eurofighter GmbH at a crucial time for security in Europe and the world,” said Giancarlo Mezzanatto in an initial reaction. “I am also looking forward to working with the consortium partners and customer nations. In recent years, Eurofighter has received and delivered new orders and capabilities. Together we will continue to develop the capabilities of the Eurofighter Typhoon and ensure it remains the world’s leading swing-role military aircraft.” https://militaeraktuell.at/die-bundeswehr-kauft-weitere-227-bvs10-haegglunds/ Giancarlo Mezzanatto started his career in the Italian aerospace industry (Aeritalia) in 1987. He holds a degree in Philosophy and a Masters in Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering. He spent the first ten years of his career working on artificial intelligence applications for military programs.