The Federal Office for Armaments armasuisse has awarded the general contractor GDELS-Mowag for the series production of the 12-centimeter mortar 16. A total of 48 mortar systems will be manufactured in Eastern Switzerland. The first mortar systems will be delivered from 2025 and handed over to the army for deployment.

Since mid-2023, the first series production system, the so-called series sample, of the 12-centimetre mortar 16 has been checked with regard to the technical, tactical and logistical specifications. Following the successful completion of the various verifications, armasuisse approved the series sample and gave the general contractor GDELS-Mowag the go-ahead for series production. A total of 48 mortar systems will be manufactured in Kreuzlingen and Tägerwilen: 32 systems approved in the 2016 Armed Forces Dispatch and 16 systems from the 2022 Armed Forces Dispatch (2nd tranche). Based on the military requirements and the technical requirements based on them, armasuisse developed the prototype of the 12-centimetre mortar 16 between 2017 and 2019 together with its industrial partner GDELS-Mowag and the troops. After successfully demonstrating the technical conformity and safety of the system, troop testing took place between 2019 and 2020. The militia troops checked the implementation of the military requirements and the suitability for deployment. The suitability for use by troops was demonstrated and confirmed in these tests. Furthermore, potential for improvement was identified in the troop trials, which were incorporated if they were appropriate for the project objectives and feasible within the budget. These improvements were implemented in the production sample, the first system of the actual series, which the industry handed over to armasuisse on schedule on June 1, 2023. The verification of the production sample in late summer 2023 showed that the findings from the troop trials had been implemented appropriately. The necessary ballistics tests for the weapon system were carried out by armasuisse in close cooperation with the Swedish procurement authority FMV in Sweden. in Sweden. The results are positive and complete the firing tests with the weapon system. Parliament approved the 12-centimetre mortar 16 project in the 2016 Armed Forces Dispatch. The overall package originally comprised 32 mortar systems (carrier vehicle and mortar gun), twelve trucks, ammunition, logistics material, training infrastructure and the adaptation of 15 existing command vehicles. The Piranha IV 8×8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle from the Swiss General Dynamics European Land Systems subsidiary GDELS-Mowag (also the general contractor for the weapon system) will be used as the carrier vehicle and the Cobra mortar gun from RUAG AG as the main weapon. The commitment credit from the 2016 armaments program amounts to 418 million euros. In addition, Parliament approved a commitment credit of 181 million euros for a second tranche of 12-centimetre Mortar 16 in the 2022 Armed Forces Dispatch. The first mortar systems will be delivered to the troops from 2025. In addition to the carrier vehicle and the weapon system, the project also includes various ancillary systems. For example, the existing ammunition will be revised for further use with the new mortar.

Shrapnel-protected trucks with specific swap bodies will be procured for ammunition replenishment and the weapon system will be integrated into the existing INTAFF fire control and fire control system. Training equipment will also be procured, with particular emphasis being placed on the sustainability of the system’s use in training operations. The 64/91 mine launcher tanks were decommissioned in 2009. Since then, the combat battalions no longer have indirect fire support with 12-centimetre mine launchers. In particular, the capability for steep fire in the upper angle group was lost. With the new 12-centimetre mortar gun, the army will regain this capability and have a modern, powerful and precise system that is particularly suitable for use in built-up terrain.

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