Recently, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and the President of the Austrian Water Rescue, Heinrich Brandner, signed a cooperation agreement between the Austrian Armed Forces and the Austrian Water Rescue at the Pionierhafen in Melk.

The cooperation is intended to improve disaster relief and intensify cooperation between managers. The existing synergies will be further intensified in future through joint training and exercises.

“With this cooperation, the Austrian Armed Forces are intensifying their collaboration with a reliable partner. The past has often shown that the Austrian Armed Forces and the Water Rescue Service work together professionally in the event of disasters and crises and provide assistance as quickly as possible. By consolidating this cooperation, not only the two organizations benefit, but also all Austrians whose safety we guarantee,” emphasized Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner before signing the contract.

The aim of the cooperation is to conduct regular joint exercises to improve cooperation in the event of an emergency. On the one hand, the practical interaction between the organizations during training in flowing and standing water is to be intensified. On the other hand, managers are given the opportunity to work together in joint exercises and coordinate their work processes. The exchange of experience and knowledge will create a common training basis in the long term.

“The Austrian Armed Forces have been an important partner for us in the field of disaster relief and training for many years. With this cooperation, we are once again underlining how important it is to act as equals and work together for the good of the population. Only through these continuous joint exercises is it possible to help quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency. I am sure that we will continue this partnership in the future with joint operations, exercises and training,” says Heinrich Brandner, President of Austrian Water Rescue.

The Austrian Armed Forces have already carried out joint disaster control exercises with the Austrian Water Rescue Service in the past and trained for emergencies. The good cooperation between the blue light and emergency organizations is constantly improved through regular exercises. The Austrian Armed Forces repeatedly provide essential support and assistance during disasters and crises.