The Bundeswehr is renewing its firing simulators. A contract to this effect was recently signed at the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw). The agreement provides for the regeneration of the hardware components for data processing of the “Training Device Shooting Simulator Hand Weapons/Anti-Tank Hand Weapons” known as AGSHP.

Thales Deutschland GmbH will upgrade around 180 AGSHP, four mobile AGSHP shelters and two so-called database generation units (DBGE) to the latest state of the art. The IT hardware required for this, which is available on the market, has powerful graphics cards for creating a wide range of realistic training and exercise scenarios. The regeneration of all units has a contract value of around 15 million euros and is financed from the regular defence budget. The AGSHP is used in all branches of the Bundeswehr as well as in the organizational areas of the Armed Forces Base, Central Medical Service, Cyber and Information Space and Personnel as an action trainer in handgun and anti-tank handgun firing training. In addition, the simulators are used for preparatory shooting training before school and combat shooting in all training sections for individual shooters and in groups. Factory testing of the new devices at the contractor’s premises is planned for the coming year. The regeneration and acceptance of all AGSHP, the shelters and the two database generation units is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2025 and be completed by the end of the same year.