Weapons manufacturer Kalashnikov is developing a new light machine gun for the Russian armed forces called the RPL-20 as an alternative to the RPK-16. It is based on the standard 5.45 mm x 39 caliber, but is loaded using belts instead of magazines.

According to media reports, the RPL has a quick-change system for the barrel, a new gas tube, an ambidextrous safety, a retractable shoulder rest with adjustable cheek rest and M-Lok interfaces on the handguard. Accuracy is to be increased through the use of optical sights. The RPL-20 is to be used as an anti-aircraft machine gun for vehicles, in particular against helicopters and drones, and a compact version for special operations is also planned. Incidentally, the abbreviation “RP” stands for “Rutschnoi Pulemjot” (hand-held machine gun), “L” for “Lenta” (belt) and the “20” for the development year 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lQSSTYT6sI&feature=emb_title