Colonel Shahim Bakhsh took over command of the Austrian KFOR contingent at the beginning of October, while General Staff Officer Brigadier Reinhard Ruckenstuhl succeeded Brigadier General János Csombók from Hungary as deputy commander of the entire international force in Kosovo.

@Federal Armed Forces/Rainer Zisser
Line up for all units at the camp in Pristina.

Numerous national and international as well as civilian and military dignitaries were welcomed on the occasion of the “Change of Command” at the KFOR force. In the presence of the KFOR commander, Major General Salvatore Cuoci of the Italian army, Brigadier Ruckenstuhl took up his new post. Colonel Shahim Bakhsh took over from Colonel Stefan Lampl, who had held the post of contingent commander for six months. During a ceremony, Major General Friedrich Schrötter symbolically handed over the flag of the Austrian contingent to Colonel Bakhsh. Major General Schrötter, who was inspecting the troops in Kosovo, attended the ceremony, as did the Austrian ambassador in Pristina, Gernot Pfandler. Together with the enlisted soldiers, they celebrated the two ceremonies in beautiful fall weather. The speakers confirmed the excellent reputation of the Austrian soldiers and the best wishes of all those present accompanied the retiring and new officers. The outgoing contingent commander, Colonel Lampl, was presented with the NATO Operational Medal during the ceremony.

@Federal Armed Forces/Rainer Zisser
Colonel Shahim Bakhsh takes over the Austrian insignia.