With the High Ready app, Christian and Andreas have launched a platform for gun owners that has quickly become an all-round solution for both beginners and advanced shooters. Reason enough for Militär Aktuell’s Ranger magazine to find out more about the app and further plans from one of the founders.

Christian, what is the basic idea behind the High Ready app?
First of all, we offer an app that currently consists of fouras we call them, “centerpieces” consists of. The course area is based on short videos. In addition to these videos, we have created further content together with experts – this includes, among other things: First aid at the shooting range, weapon knowledge and handling, guidelines, cleaning, tuning and much more. This is the first centerpiece.

The High Ready app offers numerous functions, including for training at the shooting range and at home. ©High Ready
The High Ready app offers numerous functions, including for training at the shooting range and at home.

The second centerpiece is the map area. This is currently filled with numerous gun stores, shooting ranges, service providers and shooting training courses. Detailed information is stored for each of them, enabling every shooter to search for specific weapon brands, services of various kinds and shooting opportunities, etc.

The third centerpiece is the digital shooting logbook. We have managed to implement the “High Ready Buddy” at most commercial shooting ranges in Austria. This works by means of an NFC technology chip on which the geographical data of the shooting range is stored. This means that the training can be quickly saved and stored with the number of rounds of ammunition fired.

Das Bundesheer hat einen neuen Heißluftballon

The fourth centerpiece is the showroom. A wide variety of guns and other shooting accessories can be seen in detail here. Operating instructions have been filmed and thus prepared for every need in a time-efficient manner.

The reasons for developing this app were observations that we repeatedly noticed during our shooting training courses: Beginners in particular want to train, but do not dare to do so due to possible uncertainty. This is taken away from the shooter by allowing them to prepare for the actual shooting session at home using the app. The second point concerns those who attend shooting courses but do not stay in training afterwards. The app offers the best opportunity to look up a lot of teaching content. The feedback so far proves us right.

“Regardless of the type of shooting – safe gun handling should be the focus for all gun users.”

Christian H., Gründer der High Ready App

Who are you specifically addressing with the app?
Clearly a very broad spectrum: beginners and advanced shooters, tactical and official shooters, hunters and sports shooters. Regardless of the type of shooting – safe gun handling should be the focus for all gun users. This means that the principles taught apply to everyone.

In the topics and basic exercises that we cover, we largely adhere to the sports curriculum, as it is valid worldwide. What we definitely exclude as teaching content, however, is the teaching of tactics that are primarily used by the authorities. That is a clear boundary. We would also like to emphasize that the app cannot replace shooting training at the range under the guidance of a qualified instructor. It is necessary to have someone on hand to check the movements and draw attention to handling errors or improper behavior. With the app, we want to provide shooters with a tool that complements classroom training, provides all relevant information for shooting sports regardless of time and place and also offers support in many ways.

The shooting log and other functions on the app can be quickly activated via the NFC chip on
The shooting log and other functions can be quickly activated on the app via the NFC chip on “High Ready Buddies”.

What does the training concept via the app look like? How are the videos designed?
Our videos are methodically and didactically structured. This means that each teaching content consists of a preview, explanation and practice section. Let’s take the example of making a weapon safe: first it is shown, then explained and then practiced. The video can be played over and over again, ensuring a high level of repetition, which is ultimately reflected in the handling of the weapon.

One special feature is certainly that we show the videos as briefly and concisely as possible – without unnecessary ballast. Users should be able to focus on the essentials. On the other hand, we show the use of weapons from different perspectives. This also makes details visible.

We say quite openly: What we present here is a doctrine, but not the only true one. Overall, however, we want to motivate app users to prepare themselves with the video courses, to then dare to go to the shooting range and stay in training.

The High Ready app is constantly being developed. ©High Ready
The High Ready app is constantly being developed further.

Christian, how did the idea of developing the High Ready app actually come about?
The idea of developing such an app had been on my mind for some time. I spent 22 years in the military, including a few years in a special forces unit as a shooting instructor. At some point, I came to the point where I asked myself: What am I passionate about and what am I good at? As an instructor, I already had my first ideas for an app for both novice and experienced shooters.

Years later, my current business partner approached me with a similar idea. The first conversation was the initial spark and so our thoughts turned into a vision: we want to pass on our experience and knowledge to others and support shooters in many ways in their shooting, promote the safe handling of firearms and offer comprehensive information.

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What are High Ready’s next plans?
The long gun section of the videos will be further expanded and the sector will be supplemented with recordings of revolvers and shotguns. Course videos for precision and IPSC shooters are also in the works. Knowledge that “simply belongs”, such as rules of conduct at the shooting range and the like, will also be added. Ultimately, all gun users should find themselves in the app.

At the same time, we are constantly expanding our network of companies and shooting ranges in Austria and Germany. Everything in the surrounding area can be found on our map. Users can give us feedback on “blank spots” on the map so that we can gradually create a map that is as complete as possible. The aim is to cover the entire DACH region.

In future, the app will also be a communication tool for the industry. Users ask questions that are answered by proven experts. In this way, we not only want to drive forward the digitalization of the shooting industry, but above all increase the professionalism of shooting training and expand the acceptance of shooting sports in society.

The High Ready app is available in the Google Playstore and Apple Appstore for download.

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